Word of 2023 – Honour

hands forming heart over sunset

For a few years now a friend of mine has been encouraging people to choose a word for the new year. It’s a way to set an intention or a direction going forward. Up until now I haven’t done it. It just didn’t seem to work for me.

Then today I was sitting here in quiet contemplation when it came unbidden into my head. My word for 2023 popped up crystal clear.


In Japanese culture there is a huge emphasis on behaving honourably. But it has a negative context – as in behave honourably or you bring shame upon the family. And so when someone screws up it just gets brushed under the carpet and everyone pretends it’s all fine.

This is definitely NOT what I am referring to when I say honour. This is a huge cultural leap for me, which I think makes it even more significant.

When I say HONOUR this is what it means to me:

I will go forward with an intention to honour my own needs – psychological, physical, emotional, and spiritual.

I will honour my authentic self by speaking my truth with kindness and compassion.

If my truth doesn’t resonate with people then I will honour their choice (or mine) to walk away.

I will honour those around me by accepting their truth – the truth of who they are and what they need.

I will honour the precious relationships I have in my life by taking the time to nurture them and telling people often how much I love and appreciate them.

I will honour my boundaries so that I can keep my most important resource, my energy, for those who mean the most to me.

And most importantly, when I screw all this up as I inevitably will, I will honour my imperfect humanity with kindness and forgiveness.

This is what honour means to me. It requires reverence. It requires compassion. It requires love.

May your 2023 be filled with joy, love, and light.

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