Discipline May be a Dirty Word


“You’re quite disciplined aren’t you” asked my new neighbour. “Were you in the military?”

I asked her why she thought so. She said because she sees I’m up really early and that I follow a routine. I bristled a bit at the word “disciplined” but I wasn’t really sure why at the time.

I have since reflected on it and realized a few things. For me the word “disciplined”, particularly when associated with the military, means do it as planned no matter what. That is most certainly not how I am living my life right now.

If you will recall, my word for 2023 is “honour”. I have chosen to live in a manner that honours my body, my spirit, and my soul. I don’t follow a routine for discipline’s sake. I follow it because it honours my needs.

I go grocery shopping regularly so I can cook nutritious meals. I often do it very early to get it done so that I can move on to other things during the morning hours when I am most productive. I get up early and go to bed early because it honours the natural rhythm of my body. I exercise regularly because it honours my chosen priority of staying fit. I walk because being outdoors lifts my spirit.

And I don’t do things as planned no matter what. If I am tired I may skip my walk and sleep a bit later. If I don’t feel up for a full grocery run then I may just grab a few things to tide me over for the day.

Some say that maintaining self care is about discipline. I disagree. I think it is all about honouring your needs in the moment and making sure your actions align with your values. What do you think?

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